Friday, August 30, 2019

Images of Beauty Essay

Beauty is among all of us, both women and men yet women and men are looked upon differently, causing a negative impact on themselves and society, targeting the young generations that can be very harmful to them emotionally and psychically. In the images of beauty, when men and women are promoted in magazines, movies, billboards and many other different kinds of medians, we all see those images differently depending how we want ourselves to be as. The media played a powerful role in our society influencing and using the models attractiveness and body image to catch the people’s attention. In doing that, media had successfully bombarded the young children’s minds with images of skinny and muscular models that lead to negative consequences such as body dissatisfaction, emotional feelings and sexual relations. Body dissatisfaction is a huge issue among adolescent men and women that can cause severe health problems by starving themselves and allowing them to do things that will harm their body such as taking drugs or getting a plastic surgery. If someone has a poor body image, he or she would most likely try to do anything or any method to change the looks of its body, even if it means restricting food or taking potentially harmful substances. For a woman, they will think that their body is too heavy and as for men, their thoughts are divided into two parts: overweight and underweight. For example, what is actually considered an ideal body for a man is when they have a low body fat, lots of muscles, narrow waist, large shoulders, and body with a V-shaped torso. When another man sees this kind of image, they will say that this is the kind of body they want to have. This kind of negative influence can encourage, especially the young teenagers and adults to starve themselves, take diet pills and by doing that it can cause anorexia, a type of eating disorder or many other types of health problems. For example, when a children look at the models they might think that the only way to look like them is to go on a diet. Although I may have to agree that it is the easy way to become thin, but knowing that it can cause many harms to the body itself. Even though exercise is much harder and takes longer to practices, but it provides many varieties of benefits. Diet pills is also another fast and easy way to manage their weight; however, diet pills also contain diuretics or stimulants, which can cause sleeping problems, seizures, high blood pressure and more.In addition, when men and women are dissatisfied with their body and starts doing all sorts of stuff that causes health problems, they then starts to feel depressed and have low self-esteem. An unhealthy body may increase the changes in an individual’s behavior and attitude. This can also allow them to experience in the state of anger and anxiety due to the fact that they are not satisfied with size and shape of their body. Furthermore, the young teens regarding the entertainment media as the number one source of information about sexuality and sexual health, allowing easy access for children at a young age to be engage into sexual relations. Being open about sex and how they talk to their girlfriends or boyfriends, it is largely because of what they see, hear and learn.

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